Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #3055 in Home Theater
- Size: 55-Inch
- Brand: Samsung
- Model: UN55F8000
- Released on: 2013-03-13
- Dimensions: 29.10" h x
12.20" w x
48.20" l,
40.30 pounds
- Display size: 55
- 1080p HDTV with Micro Dimming: Best picture quality
- 240Hz Refresh Rate: Best for general viewing, video games, action movies, and sports
- Smart TV with Gesture Controls and a Built in Camera: Interact with streaming content and the web
- Thin LED Design: TV without stand (Width x Height x Depth): 48.2 X 27.5 X 1.4 Inches, TV with stand (Width x Height x Depth): 48.2 X 29.1 X 12.2 Inches
Samsung UN55F8000 55-Inch 1080p 240Hz 3D Ultra Slim Smart LED HDTV
Product Description
Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
76 of 91 people found the following review helpful.TV Stand is too wide - 1st Thoughts
By Corey Fisher
I am currently reviewing one of these units and will post a more in depth review soon. However, I needed to post this right away for those considering purchasing this tv..Right now, the tv (55-inch) is currently 48 inches wide. The problem I am having with this TV is that the stand is also 48 inches wide, which will be a huge inconvenience to most people. It's too wide for 90% of TV stands out there so be warned before purchasing this tv. It currently is also measured 12 inches depth too. I have yet to find a tv stand other then an ultra wide or expensive shelf to sit it on. This is another poor example of form over function. I have a feeling Samsung will bite the bullet on this one because of this mistake as most will have a difficult time find a stand to put this on or it will be un-achievable on their current existing stands. This won't be an issue for those wall mounting, but before you buy this TV, you better measure where you'll put it first.**UPDATE - 03/06/2013I have been testing the unit for a few days now and we found a TV stand that can hold the thing. I've raised the review 1-star due to the picture quality being extroardinary, however, I strongly believe the stand is very impractical, hence, the deduction of 1-star. I've actually reached out to Samsung to see if they can design a new retrofitted stand that hold the set and be a bit more practical and release as an accessory, because this thing is ridiculously wide. Alright, enough with the stand now.As for the initial picture quality results. They are outstanding. The back panel is comprised of literally thousands of miniature LED lights that produce very strong light and can dim all the way down to be completely turned off. So far, the factory calibration is much improved over last year's, I doubt we will have to modify it much. The image quality is much better as well, there is currently no observable light bleed or halo'ing around images. Darks are much much darker then the ES series, but the ES series were edge-lit, these new panels are not as they are full back-lit set's. The new sets do eliminate most of the image blur found common on LCD sets and it appears, at least initially, that the image is much faster and responsive. However, fast paced scenes like those in Transformers and etc are still not as clear the Plasma panels, but either way are improved still. Black levels are insane for a LED set and depending on when we measure against the best from LG and Sony, might be some of darkest blacks on a LED set yet. I should note that we havent measured it yet. However, we have put the set in complete darkness and tested it and all we could see were images and no halo, which is huge.3D performance is in fact definitely brighter and smoother and I am unable to identify artifacting or crosstalk whatsoever, however I should note that last year's ES series did a pretty good job at crosstalk reduction, but the new sets are in fact much brighter.Smart Hub - more on this later, but a MASSIVE improvement over anything we've seen yet. The interface is ingenius and amazing at the same time, just make sure to youtube this as the picture will not do it justice. Not only is this software elegant looking, the TV defaults to it when it's turned on as it is essentially the control hub for the set. The quad core in this set makes this dashboard wicked fast and apps pop up in mere seconds. In comparison to last years sets, its seams about 5 times as fast. The last year models will get this functionality via a "evolution kit" when Samsung releases those next month.Other misc features - The camera is much improved, more accurately coordinating your movements. Last year models weren't that great until they released several firmware updates to make it usable and practical, but still wasn't that great. These new models are better at tracking movement and resemble the smoothness of the Microsoft Kinect, which is great news for those waving a burrito at the set and dont want to grease up the remote. The voice activation is WAY better, coming close to the ease of use of Siri and maybe, just maybe even surpassing it. So far, I would say the voice recognition is about 90% accurate, compared to last years sets, which I would probably peg at about 75% after the firmware updates. This is likely due to the new software and quad core A15 chipset this new set has. I would assume the new sets will be just as good when they get the evolution kit.If your thinking of this TV or The Samsung F8500 Plama's, I can tell you right now without a shadow of doubt, the F8500 Plasma panels are KING and are much better in image quality and they seams to even be closing in to the quality of an OLED set, which are currently priced at $10,000. The F8000 LED sets are nice, but not F8500 Plasma nice. You'll need to observe both to understand what I mean. More on this later.More to come...**UPDATE 03/07/2013**To clarify, this TV does not appear to be a full array back-lit set, but it uses new technology called Precision Black, which appears to be some kind of hardware filter on the TV set. See below for Samsung's description taken from the manual spec sheet.Micro Dimming Ultimate:Displays a picture that is as true-to-life as possible by maximizingthe contrast between light and dark. Our innovative technologyscans zones across the image and adjusts brightness to deliverdeeper dark tones and brighter whites. It also eliminates the"halo" effect and image distortion that can happen with diffusedlights. The Ultimate version of this technology optimizes thequality to new heights by scanning 2 times the number of zonesin the image.Precision Black (Local Dimming):Produces a much greater increase in contrast and black levelsby dimming LEDs behind dark areas of the picture, thus makingblacks darker without affecting brighter elements of the picture.**UPDATE 03/08/2013**One thing I've noticed that might be an issue for a lot people is the smart hub and its multi tasking capabilities. The new Smart Hub is essentially a full blown operating system and can open multiple applications. However, I recommend not opening more then one app at a time. I've noticed the more apps that are open will significantly slow the TV down to the point of almost freezing. So be careful using the multi tasking capabilities.
21 of 28 people found the following review helpful.Excellant TV only one remote but its a great one!!
By knizz willson
(pros) Picture qualitySmart hub betterweb browserblacks shadow detailquad core connectivityquality build(CONS) NONE SO FAR FINGERS CROSSEDFirst off i have owned the samsung es8000 and the sony hx850 all 55inch models and i must say that this tv hits the mark in all the main areas for me witch is Picture quality coming from different sources like cable box media streamer and pc all have been great sofar the blacks are just as good or better than the sony hx850 and there is no light bleed from the corners like the es8000 series and the remote is awsome this time around you will love it,this realy feels like a smart tv SAMSUNG ACTUALY FIXED WHAT PEOPLE DID NOT LIKE ABOUT LAST YEARS MODEL ,after 2 days out of the box i am still very happy with this purchase I DONT USE THE STAND ITS TO WIDE 48IN but who cares much TV is pretty 9.9 out of 10 it needs a small calibration out of the box i tried and it screwed up the picture so i reset all picture settings to factory and did some suttle changes here and there and it looks great but can be better just dont know if i have the skill to pull it off anyway this tv is a keeper atleast until sony comes out in june with flagship model.I DO HAVE PICS OF IT BUT I DONT KNOW HOW TO POST THEM ANY HELP WOULD BE COOL
38 of 89 people found the following review helpful.I think i finally cracked their secret! Buyer Beware! This model is NOT worth over $1K then last years!
By Anthony5362
The difference of this TV and last years ES8000 seems to be this new model has the settings to control the dimming to mask the clouding and light bleed, and the ES8000 doesn't. I have a feeling that the ES8000 is capable of and has the hardware to dim just as this new F8000 does. i have a feeling that since the ES "may" have the hardware, the only thing missing is the settings to control it. So what are these settings called? Cinema black and Smart LED.. Every Samsung or Sony that used to use Samsung's panels and is now using LG's this year has a dimming called "Ce dimming" this is a dimming that owners of the ES8000 cannot control and it dims the whole screen based on dark scenes. Sometimes even turning off the screen. This is what I think they are calling "Precision black" this year. All that is, is Samsung's term for "Local dimming" aka CE dimming. Then of course there's the Micro dimming ultimate which dims the zones and is "software" based and controllable.When I say software based and controllable, I mean they have control over these zones that dim the picture in the corners to eliminate or mask the light bleed in the corners and clouding which Samsung now says its "within specs" lol! The other thing is the panel that's in my F8000 is the same TS01 panel that's in my ES8000. This means that the only difference between these models is the "so called" quad core processor IMO.So my advise would would be either wait until the price drops on this model, or buy the heavily discounted ES while you still can. I seriously think that the ES is capable of having the cinema black and smart led setting, but Samsung left the settings out, or took them away like they did with the "Shadow detail" and "edge enhancer" through the very first FW update the ES had back in March last year! I also find it strange that they removed the "Black enhancer" setting from the owners in the UK when they updated the FW on their ES last year.I also think its bizarre how much the picture on my ES has been changing after updating the FW through out the year I've had it. Its also bizarre how there's never any patch notes on these FW updates. So once you get your TV and it says there's a FW update, you won't be able to find out what its even doing to your $3K TV! That's fishy to me!What's also fishy to me is when they released the 75" ES9000 in May, they also released a FW update on the ES and when I updated it, it made my picture look bad. When I say bad, I mean it had clouding and flashlighting that it never had before. Was that done on purpose to make the 75" ES9000 look like its the "top" dog TV? Hmm!People please be smart! I have owned all Samsung's past years 8000 series and I can say they all seem the same to me. Yea, some have better black levels, but that's because of their dimming going on. Without any of Samsung's mysterious dimming, these TVs will look horrible or just like any other TV on the wall. Whats interesting is how much control Samsung has over this dimming through FW updates. The ES has had more FW updates then my 2009 iMac! Now that's bizarre right? A TV is not a full computer.. Its a TV! And shouldn't need so many FW updates period!I have before and after pics of my ES from before FW 1046.2 and after FW 1046.2 and you would be shocked to see the difference in what Samsung can do with these FW updates. They shouldn't have control over our TVs like they do. And they certainly shouldn't be taking out settings from owners after they bought the TV. The black enhancer is a setting that's very useful using movie mode. It really helps the clouding and Samsung took it away on the UK owners but left it on the US TVs.. Hmm!Now, I am not saying this is a bad TV, or doesn't have a good picture at all. I'm saying that its not worth over $1K then the ES right now.. I'm also trying to explain that consumers shouldn't let the marketing tactics get the best of them.So why is the UK version of this TV, NOT getting the "Smart LED" setting that this US version has? Could it be that the people in the UK have a very strict consumers protection law and manufactures can't get away with things they can get away with here? My honest opinion is, the ES and this F are the same exact TV except for the quad core and the 2 settings I talked about.. And get this, Samsung said last year that if you buy these TVs, you will be able to buy a kit the following year that will make the PICTURE quality even better! And just recently, people are saying it won't..lol!Samsung can easily give last years model the same smart hub that this has through a FW update. No one should need a quad core in this TV. A dual core should be super fast enough, its all a marketing tactic scam to make more money every year.. Wake up people! :)Here's some proof that this model had the same exact settings as the 2012 ES8000 and ES7500 and Samsung removed them!ATTENTION - all consumers who are buying the ES8000 rather then this model, please do yourself a favor and download the 1046.2 FW update right now to a USB stick before Samsung removes it as this is the FW you want.. Not the current 1047 FW.. You can download it right to your computer right now and save it for when you get your TV.. This is very important because if they catch on here and send another update, you won't be able to get this amazing 1046.2 update any longer... And please do yourself a huge favor and buy the extended warranty.. Trust me! You need it with these Samsung TVs...FYI, I bought this in the 46" at a local dealer just to put it side by side with my D8000, ES8000 to see what the differences are, and of course it only looked better when the F8000 had the "cinema black" and "Smart led" enabled compared to the ES8000 that doesn't have these settings due to Samsung either leaving them out on purpose to make the 75" 9000 look better back in May.All Im saying is that if my ES8000 had these 2 settings which can be added through FW updates since they have the same hardware, then my ES8000 would look the same as the F8000 I had for a very short time yesterday.But, this F8000 side by side with my 2011 D8000, it looked the same to me.. Also, my D8000 doesn't have the current FW. It still has the 1026 FW from way back which is why it still looks very good. When I updated the FW on another one of my D8000 back in Oct or Nov, it messed up my pic so bad that Samsung had to replace the whole set.. Very bizarre stuff going on with these Sammy TVs.. But not surprised at all since my TVs have had more FW updates then all my older iMacs and PCsPeople wake up here! This company "Korean" company, is not playing a fair game and is why the Japanese aren't doing so well IMO.. Think about it, When Samsung first became well known, they were a very "Affordable" manufacture and now 8 years later, they are still using the same cheap parts in these very expensive TVs and are now charging more then Sonys! Lol! Sony just released the price for its 55" and 65" 4K TVs and can you believe that their 65" 4K cost less then Samsung's 75" ES9000 that's only 1080p?? Lol! Be smart guys!Do your homework on this company,, the writing is written all over the walls on the net.****** here's an article that everyone buying a TV should read. It explains that even the "professional" reviewers getting these TVs to review can't always trust the hand picked set they receive from the manufacture. So don't go by what all these review sites are saying just yet. Wait until you see a lot more owners reviews with different sizes[...]
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